Bear takes his first Model 3 ride on a 111 F hot day

Even in Nevada, on a 111 F (44 C) hot day, the last thing you wish for is getting in your car, after it was parked for some time in the sun.

However, a vet appointment got Roxana and her furry friend, Bear, out of their home for a short drive in Vegas. During the visit the Model 3 was parked in the sun with „climate on” and they both got back after some time, to a very comfortable interior temperature despite the scorching sun.

Overall consumption since new: 14.4 kWh /100km
Since last charge: 13.2 kWh/100km
For trip to vet (inlcuding „climate on” mode): 10 kWh/100km
information for Tesla model 3, LR, RWD provided by #teslavegasgirl

As we found out during the previous one and half hour long usage of the „climate on” function, the electrons extracted from the battery are efficiently used and the somewhat shorter range, does not impact daily usability and does not force any additional charging, than the usual slow charging in the garage over night.

Please let us know of your own experience with „climate on” and „dog mode” climate functions at


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