Hot and cold EV consumption performance

If you follow our project Electromobility regular updates, you might already know that our main goal is to educate interested people about the daily use of electric cars and offer test drives, to better understand the joy of electric driving.

Ionica during the first national EV owners gathering at Bran Castle

„Ionica” (Hyundai Ioniq) started its career with elmob team on September 21st, 2018 and passed 15.000 km without any technical issues and a remarcable frugality for electricity. It is used for daily commute between Sibiu and Cisnadie and educational test drives.

Hyundai Ioniq daily commute map

Consumption figures are registered every day in an attempt to better understand the average energy consumption variation related to weather, traffic and driving style.

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Cold weather consumption peaked during a frigid week in January at 24.6 kWh/100 km
In mild spring weather, the weekly average consumption settled between 12.8 and 13.4 kWh/100km, representing 8.20 to 8.60 lei for 100 km.

During parallel testing with „TM 3” – Tesla Model 3 long range, rear wheel drive, it proved to be the more economic one up to speeds of 110 km/h, when the Model 3 starts proving to be the better choice for longer and faster trips.

Starting March 21st, 2019 a dark blue Tesla Model 3 LR, RWD, joined the pool of electric cars we are watching closely, to better understand the impact of heat on performance and energy consumption.

Las Vegas weather does not disappoint with 41 C yesterday, and more to come, requiring full air condition function during the daily commute from Henderson to Summerlin.

Tesla Model 3 LR, RWD daily 100 km commute

So far during an afternoon traffic jam, the traffic conditions seem have a bigger impact on consumption than the usage of the air conditioning, with consumption since last charge, being lower than the average value since March 21st.

Odometer 5715 km, average consumption 14.1 kWh/100km
Since last charge 249 km, average consumption 13.8 kWh/100km with aircondition turned on, outside temperature around 40 C

In conclusion, no matter if hot or cold, the joy of electric driving is always associated with lower cost for energy consumption compared to any ICE powered vehicle of comparable performance.

„And one more thing” … ZERO maintenance so far !


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