In timp ce executivi auto din Europa inca mai afirma ca nu exista cerere pentru automobile electrice, Tesla isi continua sistematic marsul spre volume de productie si livrari tot mai mari.
Comunicatul de presa Tesla afirma ca in trimestrul II al anului s-au livrat 95.200 automobile, din care 77.500 Model 3 si 17.650 Model S si X.
Chiar daca volumul pare mic, fata de milioanele de automobile produse si livrate de marile concerne globale, in categoria de preturi premium, Tesla incepe sa devina unul din jucatorii majori, contribuind la accelerarea planurilor de lansare in productie al altor startup-uri.
Recentul carusel al transferurilor de personal dovedesc ca atat Lucid Motors, cat si Rivianse pregatesc de lansare in productie a unor noi modele in categoria premium pentru 2020.
La un pret mediu de tranzactionare de 67.500 USD, vanzarile din trimestrul II reprezinta incasari de peste 6.4 miliarde USD, o suma pe care nici un executiv auto din lume nu o mai poate ignora.
La o zi dupa aniversarea de 16 ani de la infiintare, Tesla dovedeste din nou, ca este pe cale sa realizeze o viziune indrazneata si sa stabileasca automobilul electric ca o alternativa viabila pentru viitorul mobilitatii individuale.
Tesla Q2 2019 Vehicle Production & Deliveries
PALO ALTO, Calif., July 2, 2019 – In the second quarter, we achieved record production of 87,048 vehicles and record deliveries of approximately 95,200 vehicles. In addition, we made significant progress streamlining our global logistics and delivery operations at higher volumes, enabling cost efficiencies and improvements to our working capital position.
Production | Deliveries | |
Model S/X | 14,517 | 17,650 |
Model 3 | 72,531 | 77,550 |
Total | 87,048 | 95,200 |
Orders generated during the quarter exceeded our deliveries, thus we are entering Q3 with an increase in our order backlog. We believe we are well positioned to continue growing total production and deliveries in Q3.
Customer vehicles in transit at the end of the quarter were over 7,400. Due to the order-to-VIN matching process we described in our Q1 2019 Shareholder Letter, which we extended to Model S and Model X in Q2 to improve process efficiency, this metric has become less relevant. As a result, we do not plan to disclose the customer vehicles in transit metric going forward.
My lifelong automotive career started with design and testing of ICEs, continued with service and sales, followed by 20 years of global seat design, requirements and knowledge management.
My recent passion for electric vehicles found its home at and electromobilitate.