Un mesaj de la Sono Motors

In octombrie 2018, dupa test drive-ul cu prototipul Sion, prezentat de Sono Motors la e-Move 360 in Munchen, ne-am inscris pe lista de asteptare, cu speranta ca vom putea aduce cat mai curand un exemplar al masinii electrice cu panouri solare in Romania, pentru test drive in cadrul proiectului Electromobilitate.

Cateva mesaje de la Sono Motors din ultima vreme nu au fost prea incurajatoare, datorita unei cresteri substantiale de pret, justificata de cresterea de pret a acumulatorului produs de firma Elring in Germania.

Cu toate acestea mesajul primit astazi cred ca merita reprodus integral, fiindca firma Sono Motors, la fel ca ai alti producatori de acumulatori, se vede obligata sa respinga intr-un mod documentat, dar destul de hazliu, acuzatiile nefondate cu care cei ce se tem de electromobilitate, impanzesc media.

Dear Society, 
I think it is time for me to say a few words. Recently, my name popped upa lot in the media around the globe. Some praise me as one of the biggest
innovations of the past century and see me as a game changer for futuremobility and energy systems. Others condemn me as a crook, using up the planet’s valuable resources while destroying landscapes through mining and ignoring inhumane working conditions.

Ok, let’s try to put this into perspective … I am kind of surprised that you seem to know who I am, yet few of you are aware of the fact that my relatives and me are making your life increasingly comfortable. Who do you think makes your smartphone and laptop work? Exactly, I’ve been a part of your everyday life for a long time. The development I have been through so far has always been depending on society’s demands. Current status: higher, faster, farther. Similar to electromobility, where some think the more capacity, the better.

But at what price?

Please don’t get me wrong. Who am I to judge – we are in this together. Let’s appreciate the resources our planet provides us with by using them wisely. Let’s improve the circumstances of the people who live and work in the mining regions. Let’s continue to optimize my development as fast as possible. It certainly won’t be easy, but everyone can contribute by talking about it and bringing it to the public eye, pushing the industry and especially politics. Congrats: we’re on the right track. I’m already reducing emissions in our cities and worldwide by contributing to the energy transition as a storage for renewable energies. As such, I can live a second life so that all my valuable resources can be used ideally. After my final recycling process the circle closes and it is time to pass on all my properties to our future generations.

Let’s move on and participate in changing mobility for the better and helping to protect the world’s climate. The planet may not rely on me forever. But on you for sure! Sincerely,
your battery

As the battery of the Sion I play an important role at Sono Motors and I like the fact that I’m being produced in Germany. I also like the fact that my life mate, the Sion, is manufactured in Sweden with 100% renewable energies. I’m in love with them too and pretty excited to get charged by solar power. Some of you might have recognized, I had a salary increase last year. Trust me, I earned it. 

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